Foods You’ll Never Eat Again After You Know The Ingredients

Foods You’ll Never Eat Again After You Know The Ingredients

3. Artificial Sweetener

** Company:** Splenda, Sweet ‘n Low ** Market Share:** $12 billion by 2032* ** Ingredient:** Aspartame

Aspartame, once touted as a calorie-free sweetener, has been found to pose health risks contrary to popular belief. Artificial sweeteners, including those containing aspartame, have been linked to various health issues. According to the U.S. Right to Know (USRTK), the same sweetener found in "diet" soda has been associated with numerous potential health ramifications.

The reported health risks, as highlighted by the USRTK, include cancer, Alzheimer's disease, dementia, stroke, cardiovascular disease, mood disorders, headaches, migraines, and more. Despite some individuals opting for diet drinks in attempts to manage weight, evidence suggests that these beverages may have adverse effects, potentially exacerbating weight-related issues. Given these concerns, opting for water seems like a safer choice moving forward.